OAK Hill fires suspended cop Mike Ihnken; was the subject of two State Attorney investigations in scandal-rocked police force

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Photos by Henry Frederick / Suspended police officer Mike Ihnken had three commissioners deny Police Chief Diane Young's request that he be fired. But this time around he had no support.

OAK HILL -- Police Chief Diane Young may have gotten the last laugh after all with officer nemesis Michael Ihnken after tonight's unanimous vote by the City Commission to outright fire the suspended cop, who had been the subject of not one, but two consecutive State Attorney investigations into corruption in the Oak Hill Police Department.

With little fanfare and with an anti-climatic tone, Commissioner Ron Engle led the charge to fire Ihnken after Young and City Clerk said there were issues that Ihnken had failed to address such as a timely an accurate accounting of sick time owed or even when he could return to work if allowed to do so by the city.

Photo by Henry Frederick / Police Chief Diane Young updates the City Commission on suspended cop Mike Ihnken's status. Because he allowed his own police certification to expire, the city was under no obligation to retain him, even if allowed to re-apply for his job, which was the original plan of the commission.

"He did not turn in an application -- he did not take a physical," Engle said. "Why would we keep him on the books?"

Engle said that because Ihnken had failed to "follow through like any normal employee would" that the time had come to cut the cord with his employment.

"I'm prepared to make a motion for termination," Engle said. "I would make the motion for termination at 7 o'clock."

Commissioner Linda Hyatt immediately jumped in with "Second."

Engle and Hyatt were supported in the termination vote by Mayor Darla Lauer and Commissioner and Vice Mayor Mary Lee Cook. Commissioner Kathy Bittle was absent, but she has in the past, expressed disdain for Ihnken's performance as a cop.