Disgusted with instances of police overkill

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I have been, to put it nicely, disenchanted with our justice system for some time now, but currently I am just plain disgusted with what is going on today.

The police who put their lives on the line for us daily are to be commended for doing it, but some of them seem to me to have gotten too big for their britches. While I don’t condone violence, destruction and looting, I can see why people are angry and understand why they are protesting as a result.

The police who put their lives on the line for us daily are to be commended for doing it, but some of them seem to me to have gotten too big for their britches. While I don’t condone violence, destruction and looting, I can see why people are angry and understand why they are protesting as a result. 

You don’t have to be black to see that we have a problem with bias in this country. A police officer never knows what to expect when on a call but lately they seem to immediately think badly of people without trying to find out the truth before drawing their weapon or tackling a man to the ground.

Tasers used to be an answer to help them without killing a suspect, but now they can actually be a deadly weapon because they are often over-used.

While it is understood that the lives of police often are threatened, too many instances of that threat turning out to have not been real, are popping up in recent days. They need to be trained to not react so quickly and definitely to heed a person telling them they can’t breathe or have a medical issue.

I don’t see my opinion of justice changing any time soon and that makes me sad for my fellow countrymen. Our country should be better than this. The country was founded by immigrants of all sizes, shapes and colors, which mean all should be respected and none singled out for unjust reasons.

I don’t see my opinion of justice changing any time soon and that makes me sad for my fellow countrymen. Our country should be better than this. The country was founded by immigrants of all sizes, shapes and colors, which mean all should be respected and none singled out for unjust reasons. 

We owe it to future generations to fix this issue.