Could we see a manufacturing renaissance in the United States?

Finally, I heard something uplifting on the news: It is predicted by those in the know that in the next five years the United States will experience a manufacturing renaissance.

A study was recently completed by Boston Consulting Group, which showed that the Chinese workers are now demanding higher wages. It also showed that workers in the U.S. are three times more productive than their Chinese counterparts.

Flexible work schedules and government incentives are making America one of the cheapest places to manufacture goods, according to consulting group.

BCG’s Michael Zinser, one of the authors of this analysis of manufacturing, was quoted as saying, “If this trend continues I think you’ll see manufacturing growing and expanding in the U.S.

One reason the economy here has gone down the tubes is that we let the major industries move away to other countries then lamented the lack of jobs in this country wondering why we had so many folks unemployed. As Homer Simpson says “Duh!"

When all the factory workers lost their jobs they quit buying then those they bought from went out of business and more people lost their jobs and around it went down the drain so to speak.

The news that this trend may well be finally turning around is music to my ears.

We can only hope their prediction comes true.

The same news that reported this did a segment called “Made in America,” which went to the home of a couple who thought that most items in their home were made in this country. The reporters removed anything not made in this country and when they were done all that was left in the entire house was one vase. That was quite a staggering sight, seeing that single vase sitting in the middle of a completely empty living room.

Let’s hope the resurrection of manufacturing here will rectify that situation and very soon., also known as, provides Volusia County 24 / 7 Internet newspaper coverage, 100% free with breaking news, news of record and investigative reports from New Smyrna Beach, FL, for a 21st-century digital world.