Don't care about Casey

It continues to amaze me that a month after her “not guilty” verdict in the death of her 2 – year old daughter... the media spotlight continues to shine on Casey Anthony. And... boy... is she lovin' it. This is the gal who was on trial for 1st degree murder. Now... as I write this missive... the Orlando media is all over the place where defense attorney Jose Baez is having lunch. Here's the deal... she has been ordered to show up and report to serve her probation from her bad check charge. She ain't gonna do it. Do you think for a minute she'll show for a one – on – one with some probation officer making 30K a year. Ain't gonna happen. But where has Casey been since she was released from jail last month..... hummmmmm... a tough question. But, lets rewind to that early Sunday morning which she did the 15 second walk from jail into an SUV. The TV news helicopters followed them to a parking garage... then Channel 9/WFTV reported that she boarded a plane for a flight to Ohio. Channel 9 attributed that to “sources.” What schlock reporting... a second year journalism school graduate wouldn't even come close to using that line. That information coming from a news department that was able to track down Jeb Bush's daughter at an Orlando drug rehab center a couple of years ago... and blow her cover. Jeeze... no wonder Channel 2/WESH-TV is starting to make inroads in the ratings in the coveted 18 to 34 year old demo. My gut feeling.... and I have a pretty big gut to prove it.... is that she never went anywhere except to either the home of Jose Baez... or Cheney Mason. With only $500 in pocket money... she didn't get too far. On top of that... prior to Caylee's death... she never traveled much outside Orlando. Casey has no street smarts. One other thing... if she had left the area... wouldn't someone taken a picture of her with their camera phone. Just had an opportunity to search for “Casey Anthony” on Google. I got 102,000,000 results in just a tick over a tenth of a second. For those of you reading this in Yorba Linda.... that's 102 – million hits. Okay.... I'm outta here. If you want to drop me an e-mail its: HYPERLINK "" Until next time....................