Obama remains the Manchurian Candidate with his own flag

EDGEWATER -- Four more years are needed for President Obama to reach his goal of generating friendships with 57 Muslim states.  In one of his early speeches, he said, "We will win all of the 57 states -- Keep in mind there are 56 Muslim States."

Do you remember him bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia? This election is for the salvation of America, the salvation of our way of life, the salvation of the freedoms we all take for granted as Republicans, Democrats and independents.

Conservatives, liberals, it doesn't matter. We all need to wor together, men and women, to keep our country strong. In order to do that, we must vote for Mitt Romney. The past four years have had us deeper in debt and higher in unemplioyment than ever before. We have 45 million people on food stamps. We've borrowed too much money from China, we've dropped our space program anf gas prices keep going higher.

Obam's foreign policy has been a disaster. He has no record to run on that is positive. Are we going to gamble away our future with him?

The new flag is already designed. It's his logo, a circle with waves and the sun set on a white back ground. It's on his election signs. I wrote before the 2008 election that he was the Manchurian Candidate.

I am Michael Visconti and I approve this message.