Internet newspaper coming of age with multiple awards

EDGEWATER -- This little upstart Internet newspaper as some people call it has certainly grown and come of age in its almost five years of existence. And it shows with the recent awards Henry Frederick, its editor and publisher, received in the Florida Press Club's 2012 journalism contest.

He won four awards, more than any single other contestant in the state: A first place award for Blog Writing and three third place awards in the categories of General News Writing, Public Safety Reporting and Best Online Presentation (including social media).

Funny how some people keep dissing him and the paper as if it were a gnat that bothers them and he shows them up every time. He is the consummate reporter and scooped them with Travon Martin’s parents’ interview which none of them ever had the privilege of doing.

He is like a dog with a bone when he gets his teeth into an investigative story and does not leave it until there is a solution such as the disbanding of the entire police department in Oak Hill.

Henry cares very much for his community because he lives here. Some people say he is negative, but all he is doing is publishing the news online without bias which is more than can be said for some traditional newspapers.

Henry cares very much for his community because he lives here. Some people say he is negative, but all he is doing is publishing the news online without bias which is more than can be said for some traditional newspapers.

If he points out problems, it is because they exist and the people should be informed about such things. Henry and his lovely learned wife, Sera, are quite a team. I truly don’t think he would have made this much progress so soon if not for Sera.

She does not only all the videos that you see, but is instrumental in updating things like the police blogs, jail dokets, lawsuits, Facebook postings, etc., giving Henry more time to handle all that has to be done to run an online newspaper like advertising and marketing, putting up our blogs and a thousand details a minute that keep things running smoothly.

Sera is one very special lady and if you don’t know her yet you should get to know her. Maybe you don’t know this, but we bloggers are volunteer (have been from the start) and proud to be part of this award-winning newspaper. That says a lot about the editor Henry Frederick and the respect we have for him and this endeavor.

Many of us such as me have been with Henry Frederick from the start watching him improve and grow this online source. This online newspaper is becoming a very big source for not only New Smyrna Beach news, but Volusia County and links to the world news as well as demonstrated every day in the Google search engines and news directories.

Many of us such as me have been with Henry Frederick from the start watching him improve and grow this online source. This online newspaper is becoming a very big source for not only New Smyrna Beach news, but Volusia County and links to the world news as well as demonstrated every day in the Google search engines and news directories.

I am proud of being in on the ground floor so to speak and I thank Henry for that privilege. So join us, read us and tell us what you think on Facebook. Also, tell your friends and family about us. We all do this for you and our community and we hope you are proud of us.