Changing the Conversation from guns to bombs

ORMOND BEACH -- Just 4% of Americans indicate they are worried about gun control, and the intense media campaign and Obama’s failure to inflict background checks on ordinary American citizens peacefully exercising their 2nd Amendment rights is a massive fail.

Meanwhile crazy people continue to murder at will with bombs, knives, cars and even doctors. No wonder the media and liberals don’t want to talk about the above issues. If they can keep us riled up about guns, we won’t have time to address the butcher/doctor who has killed 1,600 babies some in utero and others alive. This serial killer is on trial for his heinous acts.

But, only Fox News and a few independent media outlets have even mentioned this outrage. I should add scissors to the list of dangerous weapons because he is accused of killing several abortion-survivor babies by jabbing them in the neck and severing the spine from the brain.

Hippocratic Oath anyone?

The “bomber brothers” are accused to detonating pressure cooker devices that killed three and injured another 170 people the Boston Marathon. I don’t need to give details because the media is actually doing their jobs on this one.

However, allowing the media to decide which news to report has left the American public in the dark about things the Obama Admin would like covered up.

Back in January, I thought we might finally learn what happened in Benghazi because Congress was calling for an investigation. But the media has largely ignored this one. Just 11 days ago, we find the issue is not dead.

“As Hillary ‘What Difference Does It Make’ Clinton washes the blood off her hands and uses her disastrous tenure as Secretary of State to launch a presidential campaign, 700 retired Special Forces professionals are asking Congress to pick up the investigation.”

These stories paint a very dim picture of America. We have lost focus on the things that matter, which made our country great. At the top of this list is the bizarre blocking of all mention of God in our public lives.

Our children grow up fatherless, uneducated and dependent on welfare. Real criminals roam our streets and neighborhoods, randomly beating, robbing and killing their victims. Chicago has the toughest gun rules in America, but it ranks right up there with our nation’s capital in murder and mayhem. W

e are still dealing with racism despite spending over $1 Trillion to eradicate it.

We used to have the best journalism in the world. Today, mainstream media marches in socialist lockstep, pushing the destruction of the America we grew up in.

We used to have the best journalism in the world. Today, mainstream media marches in socialist lockstep, pushing the destruction of the America we grew up in.

With the UN demanding control of our media and our justice system, now may be our only chance to turn the tide. Light glows, however. The internet has unlocked citizens from the all for one-side-reporting of today’s media. Now with a click of a mouse, free people are free to choose how and where they get information.

Choose wisely and be ready. Changes are coming.

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