Jim Dinneen, Forough Hosseini & Mark Geallis instill hope for Daytona-area homeless families with plans to convert ex-school to shelter

Daytona homeless family shelter / Jim Dinneen, Forough Hosseini, Mark Geallis / Headline Surfer®
Preamble for 10-Part Series...

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- While the controversy surrounding housing for the chronically homeless appears to be going nowhere, the first major hurdle has been eclipsed with renewed hope for an entirely different type of homeless people altogether -- families with children -- with plans to convert the former Hurst Elementary School into a bonafide shelter.

And the leaders of this herculean effort are Volusia County Manager Jim Dinneen,  business entrepreneur Forough Hosseini of ICI Homes and Halifax Urban Ministries Executive Director Mark Geallis.