Application for U.S presidency 700 days of effort

Can you imagine actively applying for a job every day for more than 700 days?

That is what John McCain and Barack Obama are doing. It has to be a tremendous stress and strain, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Just imagine traveling throughout the entire country day in and day out, making speeches, shaking hands, kissing babies, and eating on the run.

Imagine the amount of planning for all these appearances, the amount of supporters involved, the incredible million of dollars for publicity. It is amazing that a campaign can be organized and conducted so efficiently.

It takes an enormous amount of coordination and dedication to organize and activate and execute all the details required to continue promoting the campaign.

It takes a candidate with strong will-power, dedication, and determination to go through this ordeal (and good physical health). The ultimate success of all this effort can be an indication of the candidate's qualification to be elected to the highest public office in the world, the president of the United States.

It is all worth it? You bet it is!