Bigger Picture in National Anthem Debate: Globalists' dismantling of US identity

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Community Column: Sound of Silence

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- Although Colin Kaepernick's tactic of taking a knee shed light on a certain situation, let's not lose sight of the bigger picture most people aren't understanding about this whole National Anthem thing: The goal of the globalists is the dismantling of an American heritage, and thereby the destruction of our identity as a nation.

Removing historical statues is only the beginning. Removing the flag and the anthem is next. Ultimately, the goal is to remove the US Constitution.

If we keep giving in and continue to accept the dismantling of our culture and the removal of our heritage, then we become what the globalists want: A third world country primed for socialist control. This tactic isn't new. It has been their game plan for a long time.

There are many writings explaining this movement. We are seeing it unfold before our eyes. It's deeper than what you see on the surface.

If we keep giving in and continue to accept the dismantling of our culture and the removal of our heritage, then we become what the globalists want: A third world country primed for socialist control. This tactic isn't new. It has been their game plan for a long time.

There are many writings explaining this movement. We are seeing it unfold before our eyes. It's deeper than what you see on the surface.

No matter how tired you are of listening to the back and forth about the flag and our anthem, you mustn't grow weary.

Don't allow yourself to get to the point where you say, 'Just stop playing the anthem at sporting events' so we can get back to football. Just letting it go is why we're here in the first place. Stand for the flag. Kneel for God! 

You want all your rights back? Stand Together for God, flag and Country!  Not all my words, but there comes a time when we have to see more than what's on the surface.