Curse of the community organizer

Stan Escudero / Headline SurferBy STAN ESCUDERO
The Guidepost
Headline Surfer®

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- We are living through the divisive, hate-filled legacy of Barack Obama. 

Our nation is more divided than at any time since the Civil War.  Donald Trump won the 2016 election fair and square.  But the Democrat Party and their socialist, media, academic and entertainment allies are in constant attack mode, vowing to resist any and all forms of cooperation with the Trump Administration.  Especially on university campuses, efforts to voice points of view which differ from the leftist meme of the moment are disrupted and threatened with violence, often encouraged by faculty.  And the very idea of congressional compromise has become a lost dream.

Yet we should have expected nothing less from Obama, a neo-Marxist with a strong affection for the Islamic faith who opposes virtually all that America has stood for and who dedicated his presidency to the weakening of our nation at home and the reduction of its influence abroad.

From infancy until he entered the US Senate, every meaningful influence on Obama’s intellectual development was Marxist, often outright communist, to one degree or another.  A disciple of the Leninist theoretician Saul Alinsky and imbued with the Third World view of America as the purveyor of global evil, the young Barack Obama set out to be a community organizer.

As described in Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals”, a community organizer (in an earlier age more accurately called an outside agitator) is meant to come into a community and either imagine or identify a social/economic/political problem, an element of the community victimized by that problem and an element of the community establishment responsible for that victimization.  The organizer then works to rally the “victims” to confront the “establishment”, using whatever tactics are necessary, including racism or violence, if needed to bring the “problem” to a boiling point. 

Then the organizer moves on to another community and another problem.  You see, the community organizer is not interested in solutions to the problems he creates or worsens.  Rather it is the organizer’s purpose to disrupt, agitate and roil the community and to spread that agitation to other communities.  The ultimate purpose, according to Alinsky and followed by his disciples, is mass social dissatisfaction and eventual revolution.

With no experience in leadership and damned little in politics, Obama conducted himself as the community organizer/president.  He promised fundamental change and, to the best of his ability, he delivered it – without ever telling us that most of that change would be very bad for the country. 

The list of his imperial transgressions is far too long to cover here, but he took a nation in economic peril and extended and weakened its recovery, broadened the powers of government beyond any level of citizen tolerance, strengthened our enemies abroad while reducing the global influence of the United States, and widened the gulf between our two major political parties into an impassable chasm.  Obama created or intensified countless problems but solved none.

So here we are, in a country fundamentally changed by a disruptive community organizer.

A neo-Marxist ideologue, Obama impressed his far left view of history and of the world on a party which had already been shifting to the left for over a century.  Most of the pro-communist supporters of the Soviet Union in the 1930’s and ‘40’s were Democrats; some were also members of the Communist Party.  A number of FDR’s efforts (most of which failed) to ease the effects of the Great Depression were socialist at their core.  Seizing upon the wave of sympathy and the electoral victories which followed the assassination of JFK, Lyndon Johnson and the Dems established a host of unsustainable social programs which have strengthened government power and forced millions of Americans into a form of economic slavery based on dependency on government welfare. 

The Dem Party was the home of the anti-American left, spitting on our veterans and chanting pro Viet Cong slogans during the Viet Nam War, even when that war was directed by their own party leadership.  The left wing of the Democrat Party viciously opposed Ronald Reagan’s deployment of Pershing missiles and other defense measures which bankrupted and destroyed the Soviet Union.  And then there was the Democrat Left’s characterization of George W. Bush as a Nazi and an ape over a war which the Dems also voted for.

By the time of Obama’s election in 2008 there was nothing left of the moderate wing of the Democrat Party.  The whole party edifice, which had moved to the left one slice of the salami at a time, was ripe for a truly dedicated ideologue to make a grab for all that remained.  And Obama grabbed with both hands. Thankfully he and his chosen Alinskyite successor, the corrupt serial failure Hillary Clinton, roused a populist counter revolutionary reaction which cost the Dems some 1030 lower level elections and finally brought Donald Trump to the White House.  But they did brand the Democrat Party as a radical left wing organization, whose most popular representative is an avowed socialist who is not even a party member. 

By the time of Obama’s election in 2008 there was nothing left of the moderate wing of the Democrat Party.  The whole party edifice, which had moved to the left one slice of the salami at a time, was ripe for a truly dedicated ideologue to make a grab for all that remained.  And Obama grabbed with both hands. Thankfully he and his chosen Alinskyite successor, the corrupt serial failure Hillary Clinton, roused a populist counter revolutionary reaction which cost the Dems some 1030 lower level elections and finally brought Donald Trump to the White House.  But they did brand the Democrat Party as a radical left wing organization, whose most popular representative is an avowed socialist who is not even a party member. 

The Party has foresworn all efforts to work with the elected Administration for the good of the country in favor of unalloyed resistance to anything which President Trump and the Republicans might propose.  The Dembots miss no real or counterfeit chance to march in protest against Donald Trump’s election and policies.  They act in virtual lockstep to reject any conservative Supreme Court nominee no matter how qualified.  Despite the rolling collapse of Obamacare they refuse to support its replacement or even major reforms to it unless the Republicans agree to give them all that they want up front.  They have come to see themselves as righteous bearers of revolutionary truth and, as true believers, no meaningful compromise is possible.  Cooperation with or even listening to the arguments of the hated enemy is apostasy.

On college and university campuses, frequently with faculty encouragement, the level of ideological outrage has been carried to the point of creation of a sort of leftist Ku Klux Klan.  This is a violent mob, often including professional paid agitators, who wear ninja costumes instead of hoods and who attack conservatives instead of African-Americans.  Their symbol is the burning riot instead of the burning cross.  And they call themselves Antifa.  This is an abbreviation of Antifascist Action Committee, the title used by the violent wing of the German Communist Party in the 1930’s.

That is exactly the point.  The Soviet Union died in 1991.  Classical communism has long since evolved into a system which abandoned ownership of the means of production in favor of control of the distribution of that which is produced.  And the world’s principal proponent of evolved neo-communism is the Democrat Party of the United States as reformulated by Barack Obama.

The Democrat Party is the philosophic heir of Soviet Communism and a threat to the survival of the United States of America.

Stanley Escudero
April 30, 2017