No Financial Relief for Us Regular Folks: Jerks in Congress burying their heads in the sand like ostriches over stimulus

YouTube download / AP video / Below: Congressional negotiators on the long-delayed $900 billion COVID-19 economic relief package are working through a handful of remaining holdups as they continue partisan bickering this weekend in the continuing struggle to hammer out a final agreement. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnel, R-Ky, is shown in this screenshot from the Dec. 17 video.

By DARLENE VANN / Headline Surfer blog: Musings

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- Ok everybody, are you as sick of hearing how our supposed congressional representatives in Washington are possibly making progress on hashing out a COVID-19 relief bill?

If they were in our shoes that partisan squabbling would have been over long ago.

Meanwhile, many of us across the country are without a job or a place to live (or soon could be), food, money and everything you can name amidst a pandemic and those idiots are arguing about nonsense.

They were elected to represent us yet every single day they plant their political feet in the ground and once again butt heads with the other party so no solution yet again.

Then we hear we might get $300, next day we’ll maybe $600, another day maybe another $1,200 supposed stimulus check.

When rents are higher than $1,200 a month and landlords are evicting people, how is that a stimulus? 

These jerks in Washington won’t lose their cushy jobs or fancy houses and obviously could care less about the rest of us. The President is still walking around like he won the election and suing states and the cases are being kicked out of court right and left.

All these ostriches with their heads in the sand should be made to live on the street with no food or resources, no jobs available, have to pay up to $12 to take a shower, which they wouldn't be able to afford and do this for at least a month. I bet they would not survive a week, but they expect us to carry on as if life were normal.

Mitch McConnell / Headline Surfer These jerks in Washington won’t lose their cushy jobs or fancy houses and obviously could care less about the rest of us. The President is still walking around like he won the election and suing states and the cases are being kicked out of court right and left. All these ostriches with their heads in the sand should be made to live on the street with no food or resources, no jobs available, have to pay up to $12 to take a shower, which they wouldn't be able to afford and do this for at least a month. I bet they would not survive a week, but they expect us to carry on as if life were normal.

I am sick of them not representing those who elected them and leaving us to live in the streets and die.

Aren’t you sick of their antics too? Then stand up and say so in the next election: Throw the bums out! Let we the people get a chance to change how things are done.

That is also a pipe dream because we are already brother against brother - heading toward a civil war about who is right. I do not know the answer. I just know as long as we as a group tolerate this behavior of theirs, there will be no solution.

We are so deep in debt due to this pandemic and the failing economy, their pittance will stimulate nothing. They are not realistic because they do not live in the real world. They are all so filthy rich.

The first so called stimulus payment Mr. Munuchin said was to last us three months. More like 3 minutes is what it lasted for and how long ago was that? They have been arguing ever since if we should get more. The whole thing is a farce.

They can print as much money as they have materials for, but it is just paper. It means nothing and just digs the country deeper into debt. It looks impossible to me for this to turn around anytime soon. If it ever does, it will take years and we will lose thousands of people in the process.

I never thought I would live to see such days, and frankly, hope I don’t live through very many more.

Blog Posted: 2020-12-19 -- 23:03:24

Darlene Vann bio / Headline Surfer


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