This is not my country anymore after what was allowed to happen at the Capitol building

YouTube download / AP video / Shown Below the blog: Angry supporters of President Donald Trump have stormed the U.S. Capitol in a chaotic protest aimed at thwarting a peaceful transfer of power. One person has been shot as the protesters stormed the building and violently clashed with police (Jan. 6). Pic Below is a screen shot from the video.

By DARLENE VANN / Headline Surfer blog: Musings

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I cannot seem to digest what my eyes were seeing and my ears hearing on the television that was going on at our nation's Capitol building.

Can anyone in their right mind believe that our current president instigated the whole mess, telling his supporters to march to the Capitol with him in a show of force n a show of force?

Are we all of a sudden a banana republic? How can this possibly be happening?

There are just not enough words to express the disgust and dismay I am feeling, the incredulity of hearing the President telling people to riot and take back the country because the election he won by a landslide that was stolen from him -- an outright lie repeated over and over again since Joe Biden won the election with a 7-million vote majority. 

These Pro-Trump demonstrators did just that - march to the Capitol building where Congress was in session and stormed the building - one of them a woman shot and killed. Then we learned after the midnight hour that three more of these Pro-Trumpers were added to the dead after suffering medical emergencies.  

Insurrection at the Capitol building / Headline SurferThere are just not enough words to express the disgust and dismay I am feeling, the incredulity of hearing the President telling people to riot and take back the country because the election he won by a landslide that was stolen from him -- an outright lie repeated over and over again since Joe Biden won the election with a 7-million vote majority. These Pro-Trump demonstrators did just that - march to the Capitol building where Congress was in session and stormed the building - one of them a woman shot and killed. Then we learned after the midnight hour that three more of these Pro-Trumpers were added to the dead after suffering medical emergencies.  

The vote was not rigged! Trump is deluded and has been that way from the beginning of his campaign for president in 2016.

We have been watching him deteriorate one day at a time every day of his presidency.

The more deluded he gets, the more ridiculous his statements get. The truly hardest thing for me to believe is that these people who follow him like a cult actually believe him. They actually got one of their own - a woman shot and killed during this insurrection as President-Elect Joe Biden referenced later in the day. I keep hearing the song in my mind that says this is my country, land that I love.

After the insurrection at the Capitol building stat started with Trump riling up his forces, this today is not my country. Not anymore.

Blog Posted: 2021-01-06 -- 01:37:47

Darlene Vann bio / Headline Surfer


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