Trump & Chitwood two peas in a rotting pod with attacks on media

Trump and Chitwood two preeas in a rotting pod says columnist Darlene Vann / Headline Surfer

Photos for Headline Surfer / President Donald Trump and Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood are like two peas in a rotting pod for their ill treatment of media.

Darlene Vann / Headline Surfer®By DARLENE VANN
Headline Surfer

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I am so sick of hearing the nasty verbalizations coming from Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood’s slimy mouth. He demands County Manager Jim Dinneen get out of his way and let him have all the power and authority that other sheriffs in the state have.

The County Charter spells out what his role and responsibilities are and that is what he ran on. Now he wants more and because the county manager won't allow him to go beyond what is allowed he goes into a verbal attack in the Daytona Beach News-Journal describing Dinneen as a "lying sack of (expletive)," 

Seems to me if the county thought a charter change was best that it would have already been that way before Chitwood won his election last year and took office in January.

Mr. Chitwood is -- as he has been from the get go -- too big for his britches. The deluded people of this county who voted him in hopefully one day will see who he really is. That day can’t come soon enough for me and many others I know.

Mr. Chitwood is -- as he has been from the get go -- too big for his britches. The deluded people of this county who voted him in hopefully one day will see who he really is. That day can’t come soon enough for me and many others I know.

How they can they believe the lies, when proof they are so, are right in front of them is a complete mystery. Chitwood and President Donald Trump are two peas in a rotting pod. They both need to go and how anyone supports either of them escapes me.

How they got elected is still a complete mystery to me, but here they are and we the people have to suffer through them and their ridiculous battles and lies. Sheriff Chitwood is such a coward he had Headline Surfer removed from his PIO staff's email media alerts the very day he was sworn into office on Jan. 3 and even had one of his PIOs inform Frederick that was banned from his press conference that was about to begin.

Chitwood is hoping to show up Henry Frederick as a lackluster reporter who is not up with the others. But Chitwood will be shown for what he is as Frederick has his ear to the ground and finds out about important things regardless of the roadblocks Chitwood puts out there. Frederick may not get the news from the Sheriff's Office at the same time as all the other media outlets, but he finds a way to report the news regardless.

Henry Frederick is an excellent award-winning reporter and has been for a long time. He outshines Chitwood and that no doubt irks the fire out of him. In fact, Chitwood pulled the same stunk five years ago when Frederick wrote about him promoting an an underling who was a bad apple.

Frederick won two awards from the story and Chitwood has been on the warpath since then. Frederick appealed to the City of Daytona Beach and City Manager Jim Chisholm ordered him to restore the alerts. And so Chitwood moved quickly once he came sheriff to let Frederick know who was boss. 

As long as I have known Henry Frederick he has never accused anyone of anything in a story he didn't have the facts in writing already for everyone to see. He is honest and doesn’t lie. Sadly the same can’t be said for the Sheriff.

I can’t wait for the terms of Chitwood and Trump to be up up and hopefully they are voted out because the people need to be become fully awakened to their subterfuge.

Editor's Note: Here are links to past related stories mentioned in Darlene Vann's column above:

May 14, 2012
December 8, 2012