The “us and them” mentality of partisan politics has to stop!

By DARLENE VANN / Headline Surfer Blog: Musings

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- This scourge of a virus that is devastating the entire earth is the saddest thing I have witnessed in my lifetime because it encompasses the entire planet.

The destruction of the Twin Towers at 9/11 with two hijacked planes and the lives lost to terrorism was a terrible event, but it all took place in New York City and far from where I live (as was the hijacked plane into the Pentagon and a fourth plane that crashed in a field in Pennsylviania).

Somehow the nation survived and moved forward.

At that time, I recall the entire nation drew together in patriot stance against terrorism. Everyone was flying he American flag and doing whatever they could to help and support families of the lost as well as those who survived. In a very short time a divided nation became one.

But as the time passed people stopped being so patriotic and became way more divided than they ever have been in recent times. Here we are once again banding together to fight a monster virus.

Daily now, I see more and more people volunteering to help at the risk of their own lives. I see people organizing car parades of teachers going through the neighborhoods of their students reminding them their teachers care and at the end of shifts at hospitals there are rows of cars with signs thanking the staff who have so selfishly given to their patients. Not just in big cities does this happen.

Right here in little ol' Edgewater, those car caravans have been active. Others use the same parade to wish children happy birthday because they cannot have a party right now but everyone wants them to know they are being celebrated. I have seen and heard people thanking the mail carriers, Federal Express and UPS drivers for their service as well as the ancillary services of kitchen staffs, janitors, garbage men, all those who make things work but often go unnoticed. Without them, the world would grind to a halt. 

UPS Appreciation Parade in Edgewater, FL / Headline SurferRight here in little ol' Edgewater, those car caravans have been active. Others use the same parade to wish children happy birthday because they cannot have a party right now but everyone wants them to know they are being celebrated. 

I have seen and heard people thanking the mail carriers, Federal Express and UPS drivers for their service as well as the ancillary services of kitchen staffs, janitors, garbage men, all those who make things work but often go unnoticed. Without them, the world would grind to a halt. 

The grocery store stockers are usually working at night while we sleep, but people are trying to find ways to show their appreciation for all they do as well as cashiers, butchers, deli workers everyone in all stores that are open so that life can continue for us and we can have food and medicines that we need every day.

It is hard to get to everyone, but if you have Facebook, it is filled with "thank you" postings to all kinds of workers. If nothing else comes out of this, let us hope the camaraderie remains.

We have been shown that our value system was way off base for many years. Why should we be paying football, basketball and other sports players millions when our teachers, police persons, fire persons, ambulance drivers and paramedics make such poor wages that many have to work more than one job to support their families?

I believe this has opened our eyes to just who is really important and most deserving of a living wage. This time we should not return to normal as everyone is saying, but get back to reality because what was normal was all wrong. We can and must do better going forward.

Meanwhile, please be kind to your fellow man and take time to thank people who keep your life as comfortable as possible. Keep the division from returning.the 

The “us and them” mentality of partisan politics has to stop! We need to start working together, both parties on the same page. We cannot go back to stopping the nation by one party stonewalling the other. That is not in anyone’s best interest. Remember this when it is time to vote. Anyone who is not cooperating needs to be ousted.

We the people actually do have a say when we all band together because united we are strong, but divided we are weak.

Darlene Vann bio / Headline Surfer