Dec 04, 2008

An overwhelming majority of respondents to the Insta Poll indicated an unwillingness to support a government bailout of the Big 3 Detroit automakers. And with good reason. Because they…

Nov 29, 2008

It's a good day to look at the "Good, the Bad and the Ugly" of our journalism competition.

The good goes to the weekly Observer for a touching story on a local man who lit up Christmas…

Nov 29, 2008

Kelly Capelli at Wachovia bank here in New Smyrna Beach understands the fallacies of Marxism that it "doesn’t work well because it destroys incentive and promotes crime.”

But many more…

Nov 27, 2008

Today is Thanksgiving -- a day for personal reflection. It gives us the opportunity to take stock in where we are in life and where we are headed. It's also a time to think about the needs of…

Nov 27, 2008

All schoolchildren are taught that the pilgrims had a hard time surviving at Plymouth, but managed to pull through and survive. What they are rarely taught is that the pilgrims made their initial…

Nov 26, 2008

Many New Smyrnans dislike political correctness but few seem to recognize the threat to their right to free speech that it represents. When asked if they thought political correctness presents a…

Nov 15, 2008

The game was over and they cried. Two young men drenched in sweat and tears knelled on the football field -- perhaps for the final time, competitively. Maybe not. College, the pros? Who knows? But…

Nov 15, 2008

The idea of bailing out the automakers is a bad one because it only delays the inevitable while bleeding the taxpayer. If the government simply gives the companies money the money will get spent…

Nov 13, 2008

It's hard to believe the news any more or maybe it's just that it is so depressing. For example, it turns out that nearly half the bail-out money for Wall Street is being re-directed. Makes you…

Nov 10, 2008

Now that we have a new president a lot of Americans think that their lives are going to get better. Unfortunately, while we may have changed presidents, the laws of economics haven’t changed one…

Nov 05, 2008

If ever this country needed change, it is now and what better man for the job than Barack Obama. Finally, America has a person of color in the White House. Election 2008 truly was a historic…

Nov 04, 2008

As a conservative, I voted for the lesser of two evils -- John McCain. Neither McCain nor Barack Obama is really dedicated to restoring small government and the protections of the Constitution.…