Nov 03, 2008

I support Tom Feeney because he believes in virtually everything I do and acts accordingly.

In government, Feeney believes in a small government with limited powers. He believes that the…

Nov 02, 2008

With the political campaigns reaching their climaxes, no one would dispute that there is a lot of propaganda being thrown about. Everybody connected with a political campaign readily admits that…

Oct 31, 2008

I'm not really afraid of John McCain, but I wanted to offer a counter viewpoint to that of my colleague, Peter Mallory. I believe McCain is sincere and his experience for the presidency is not in…

Oct 27, 2008

I find the prospect of an Obama Presidency backed up with a large Democratic majority in congress as a frightening prospect. The reasons can be summarized by saying Obama and the Democratic…

Oct 25, 2008

Yes, the headline is true. Jill Biden and I shared peace signs. We had a connection. After nearly 15 minutes of hearing Joe Biden's wife speak to nearly 300 enthusiastic supporters of the Obama-…

Oct 19, 2008

Get your motor running. Head out on U.S. 1. Revving up the you can't sleep a wink. Like a true-natured nuisance, we were born, born to throttle all night, we can make the noise so…

Oct 19, 2008

The present presidential campaign keeps bringing up the question of whether the rich are paying their fair share of the taxes in this country. In New Smyrna the view appears mixed. For example,…

Oct 06, 2008

As our political leaders fumble around trying to come up with a “solution” to the present financial situation, it is hard to resist making some observations and comments. First of all, the present…

Oct 01, 2008

We hope that you like our updated version of where the emphasis is on reporting events and covering the newsmakers of greater New Smyrna Beach as news develops around the clock in a…

Sep 23, 2008

A look at the 100 highest paid people on the city payroll leaves the reader with several impressions. First, we have a lot of well paid people working for the city. Second, we have a lot of people…

Sep 19, 2008

As Hurricane Ike crossed the gulf of Mexico and cut the shipping lanes for oil to Florida , prices for gasoline at Florida pumps rose sharply in anticipation of a temporary shortage in Florida.…

Sep 11, 2008

An animated and interesting meeting took place Wednesday at the New Smyrna Beach City Commission budget hearing. The energized audience was demanding that the city budget be shrunk to coincide…