Fast Facts:In Depth

rob 2003 ff Henry Frederick Sat, 10/10/2009 - 02:38
Newspaper Section

In 2003, for the first time in NSB's history, the city's top salary reached 6 figures with then-City Manager Frank Roberts grossing $107,785.11, followed by then-City Attorney Edward "George" Beasley at $107,595.91. Six others also surpassed the previous year's threshold of $78,000...

beazley ff Henry Frederick Sat, 10/10/2009 - 02:22
Newspaper Section

In 2002, then-City Attorney Edward "George" Beazley grossed $71,644.87 or $144,472.83 less than the $216,117.70 City Attorney Grank Gummey grossed in 2009. That means Gummey's gross was 301.6% higher than Beazley's...

yancey ff Henry Frederick Sat, 10/10/2009 - 02:11
Newspaper Section

In 2002, Parks & Rec. Director Liz Yancey grossed $44,637.40, compared to $109, 609.37 in 2009. That's a difference of $64,971.97 or a 245% increase in pay in 7 years...

40K in 02 Henry Frederick Sat, 10/10/2009 - 01:49
Newspaper Section

In 2002, only 44 city employees grossed at least $40,000. In 2008, 100 topped that list, and in 2009, there were 135 making $40,000 and up...

Pagano ff Henry Frederick Sat, 10/10/2009 - 01:42
Newspaper Section

In 2002, Police Chief Ronald Pagano made $54,425.28 in base pay. That year he grossed $64,758. In the seven years since, his gross salary has nearly doubled to $123,646.95. The difference between his base and gross pays more than doubled in 2009 compared to seven years earlier...

fiscal 2009 salary totals Henry Frederick Sat, 10/03/2009 - 04:11
Newspaper Section

The city spent $15.4 million on employee salaries for fiscal 2009, which ended Sept. 31, an increase of $303,769 over the previous fiscal year. The figures do not include mileage reimbursements, health or retirement benefits...

2002 top wage earner Henry Frederick Sat, 10/03/2009 - 04:06
Newspaper Section

The top city wage earner in fiscal 2002 was then-City Manager Frank Roberts who grossed $72,100.28...