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Photo by Henry Frederick. Video by Multimedia Editor Sera Frederick.
State Rep. Dorothy Hukill, R-Port Orange (Dist. 28), issued a Thanksgiving message for the residents of greater Port Orange through VolusiaNews.net and for greater New Smyrna Beach via NSBNEWS.net. New Smyrna Beach Mayor Adam Barringer delivered Thanksgiving wishes as well for the citizens of New Smyrna Beach through an exclusive video interview with NSBNEWS.net. Hukill's message is posted below in the story.
"I believe the economy is changing for the better," said the first-year mayor in an exclusive video interview with NSBNEWS.net on Tuesday.
Barringer said there is renewed enthusiasm with the holiday season here and he's hopeful residents will consider the bargains offered by local merchants as opposed to the big box stores outside the city.
Hukill: 'Celebrate the many joys and blessings we've been given'
(Today) is Thanksgiving Day, a time when we put aside the usual cares and concerns of our daily lives and celebrate the many joys and blessings that we have been given. It's an opportunity to gather with family, friends, loved ones, and neighbors - an opportunity to give thanks for all that we have, without concern for the material things that we would want.
"t's also our chance to connect with our own history. By gathering in celebration on this day, we are reaching back to our own past. One can imagine our ancestors giving thanks in their own time, possibly while facing more uncertain circumstances than we do today, but still showing gratitude for their many blessings.
Or also imagine the many times throughout our nation's history when we've asked the brave men and women of our armed forces to celebrate their Thanksgiving in foreign lands. (Today), many of them will still celebrate in this manner. They too deserve our eternal gratitude.
We live in the greatest country in the world, and we enjoy freedoms of the kind that so many others can only imagine. Let us continue to be worthy of these blessings, and continue to show gratitude to our Creator who has granted us His favor.
From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless.
Sincerely, Dorothy L. HukillState Representative, District 28