Headline Surfer news team
Publisher: Henry Frederick
Henry Frederick launched Headline Surfer in April 2008 from New Smyrna Beach, before he and his wife, Sera King, moved to Sanford in 2013 and then to Lake Mary in 2020. Frederick is one of the Sunshine State's most prolific multimedia reporters, specializing in breaking news & investigative reporting. He has amassed 115 award-winning bylines in print & online since the early 1990s. Frederick covered the cops & courts for the Daytona Beach News-Journal for nearly a decade, and before that, the same beat with The Journal-News/Gannett Suburban Newspapers in West Nyack, NY. He earned his Master of Arts in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University in Orlando and his Bachelor of Arts in Political Science & Journalism at Central Connecticut State University. Awards & Bio: https://henryfrederick.com/
Associate Publisher: Sera King
Sera King is the associate publisher of Headline Surfer, which she helped launch. King is also a bylined writer (business, community, education & sports features), a videographer, and a cartoonist. King received her Bachelor's in Business Administration from the Metro Orlando Campus of Ana G. Mendez University in 2008.
Welcome to Headline Surfer, the award-winning 24/7 online news site in Lake Mary, Florida, and accessed via HeadlineSurfer.com. Press releases, news tips, and corrections can be emailed to Henry Frederick@HeadlineSurfer.com. Frederick can also be reached at 386-689-2830. All content is the copyright-protected intellectual property of Headline Surfer® and may not be reproduced without written permission in advance from the publisher. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.