'Stunned' by US Supreme Court's decision today in reversing Roe vs. Wade

By DARLENE VANN / Headline Surfer
Blog: Musings


EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I am stunned by today’s Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade once again taking away a woman’s right to what happens to her body and her privacy.

It sure seems to me that this country is going backward instead of forward in many ways, not just this one but this one is putting us into illegal back-alley procedures that killed so many women before Roe sued for her rights to her own body.

Remember when our solution to the alcohol problem was banning the substance leading us into bootleg hooch that killed many and speakeasies secreted away where persons who wanted to drink could go hoping not to be raided by police or gunned down by a rival bootlegger. That sure did not work and was eventually overturned.

The government does not belong in our lives to the extent that it can make such personal decisions for its female citizens. Those decisions will now go to the state you live in and whatever law they chose to force upon you. That is just plain wrong.

US Supreme Court reverses Roe v. Wade / Headline SurferThe government does not belong in our lives to the extent that it can make such personal decisions for its female citizens. Those decisions will now go to the state you live in and whatever law they chose to force upon you. That is just plain wrong.

If you look at a map of states already putting in place laws about abortion and those who have theirs ready to go now that the Supreme Court has given them that right you will see the majority of the country will be affected which will lead to further disaster legal decisions in future.

How long will we the people let this go on? We can protest till the cows come home but those protests fall on deaf ears. As an older person who lived through the days before Roe v. Wade, I remember the butchering that took place in back alleys and dirty hidden places by untrained people as well as desperate women who damaged or killed themselves using wire hangers and old wives tale concoctions to abort themselves.

Those who want women to have these babies then wash their hands about how they are raised or by whom. The foster care system is overloaded now. Can you imagine what will happen as these state laws come into effect? It sickens me to think of seeing it happen all over again.

Darlene Vann / Headline Surfer
Multimedia / YouTube embedding /  The Independent video / • Friday, June 24, 2022 / Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, speaks to protestors after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court landmark ruling granting women the legal right to an abortion. 
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