Post-Hurricane Matthew: Damage forces temporary closure of New Smyrna Beach Municipal Sports Complex

Photos for Headline Surfer / Images provided by the City of New Smyrna Beach show damage caused by Hurricane Matthew at the NSB Municipal Sports Complex. 
Headline Surfer

NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. -- Damage from Hurricane Matthew of the city's municipal sports complex, 1800 Turnbull Bay Road, means it won't reopen until an assessment is done and repairs made, a city official said.

Each of the previously-scheduled teams and associations will be contacted directly by the operators of the sports complex, city spokeswoman Anna Hackett said. She said the general public needs to be aware that the facility is closed and all sporting events are canceled until further notice.

 "As soon as power is restored, the (department's) full system assessment will allow a better schedule for re-opening," Hackett told Headline Surfer in an email, adding a comprehensive evaluation includes appraisal of scoreboard, lights, bathrooms, grounds, fences, and bleachers. 

Two photos provided to Headline Surfer showed mangled metal fencing, but Hackett otherwise was not specific as to what was damaged.

New Smyrna Beach sports complex damaged by Hurricane Matthew / Headline SurferNew Smyrna Beach city spokewswoman Anna Hackett said the general public needs to be aware that the facility is closed and all sporting events are canceled until further notice.

 "As soon as power is restored, the (department's) full system assessment will allow a better schedule for re-opening," Hackett told Headline Surfer in an email, adding a comprehensive evaluation includes appraisal of scoreboard, lights, bathrooms, grounds, fences, and bleachers. 

Two photos provided to Headline Surfer, here at left and above, showed mangled metal fencing, but Hackett otherwise was not specific as to what was damaged.