
Brent Renaud, an acclaimed U.S. filmmaker, died Sunday after Russian forces opened fire on his vehicle in Ukraine

Create: Mon, 03/14/2022 - 13:06
Author: Henry
Newspaper Section

Brent Renaud, an acclaimed filmmaker who traveled to some of the darkest and most dangerous corners of the world, died Sunday after Russian forces opened fire on his vehicle in Ukraine. Journalist Juan Arredondo was wounded.

23. Port Orange cops: Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood hit again by a motorist on his bicycle, but was wearing his helmet this time

Newspaper Section
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PORT ORANGE, Fla. -- A young driver accused of hitting Volusia County Sheriff Mike Chitwood while he was riding his bike in Port Orange back in March 2021, told deputies she was shopping on Amazon on her phone when the crash occurred, according to the sheriff himself in interviews with several Orlando TV news camera crews.

President Joe Biden's trip to Europe next week to underscore unity with NATO allies in support of Ukraine

President Joe Biden travels to Europe next week for face-to-face talks with European leaders about the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Foreign policy expert Daniel Hamilton says Biden is taking the trip to "underscore solidarity with the allies."