
Osceola County Sheriff's Office: Kissimmee pastor arrested on charges of exposing himself & masturbating on the patio of a Starbucks near Disney

Newspaper Section

KISSIMMEE, Fla. -- A 39-year-old Kissimmee pastor arrested Monday by the Osceola County Sheriff's Office on misdemeanor charges of exposing himself and masturbating on the patio of a Starbucks coffeehouse, has since bonded out of jail.

Highlights of this day in history for July 4th: America's Independence Day is celebrated

Highlights of this day in history for July 3rd: America's Declaration of Independence; Former Presidents John Adams, Thomas Jefferson die on same day; Israel's raid at Entebbe Airport; West Point opens; Lou Gehrig's farewell to baseball; Neil Simon is born.

Volusia County Beach Safety: Daytona surfer bitten on foot by a shark on Sunday in New Smyrna; 38 people rescued from rough surf

Newspaper Section

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Volusia County Beach responded to a report of a surfer bitten by a shark on Sunday morning in New Smyrna and dealt with 38 rescues from the rough surf.

Headline Surfer Endorsement: Barbara Girtman of DeLand for Volusia County Council Dis 1 seat in November elections

Newspaper Section

DELAND, Fla. -- There is no more deserving endorsement among the candidates running for public offices in Volusia County in 2022 than District 1 County Council incumbent Barbara Girtman of DeLand.