
No April Fool's Joke: Rents due today, but few protections in Florida for out-of-work renters

Newspaper Section

SANFORD, Fla. -- Today is April Fool's Day, which also is the first of the month when rents are due for those in the Sunshine State who rent an apartment, a towngome, a condo or a home.

A tractor-trailer hauling toilet paper crashed and caught fire near Dallas early Wednesday, April 1, spilling the hot commodity all over an interstate. 

Newspaper Section

A tractor-trailer hauling toilet paper crashed and caught fire near Dallas early Wednesday, April 1, spilling the hot commodity all over an interstate. 

-- Henry Frederick, Headline Surfer - Daytona Beach, Sanford, Orlando, FL

BREAKING NEWS: Volusia County Manager George Recktenwald announces beaches here will be off-limits to the public effective 12:01 am Friday until further notice

Newspaper Section

Headline Surfer photo illustration / Volusia County Manager George Recktenwald announces the closing of all public beaches within the county's borders as of 12:01 a.m. Friday. This is a far-cry from just a couple of weeks ago when the county kept the beaches open despite the growing coronavirus pandemic which led to the onslaught of thousands of college spring breakers who were no longer welcomed at the beaches of South Florida.

1st fatality on Volusia County's 'closed' beaches: Just 2 days after exceptions for swimming, walking, biking & fishing despite pandemic, unresponsive elderly man pulled from the surf by others in New Smyrna dies

Newspaper Section

By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer

NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. -- Just two  days after Volusia County claimed its beaches were still closed, except for swimming,  walking, biking and fishing despite the growing spread of the coronavirus, an elderly man found unresponsive on water's edge in New Smyrna on Mondaydied after he was transported to to hospital.