Incapacitated? Your vote incorporated? Your bankroll constipated? So leave it unregulated?
If so, I would modestly propose you’re out of step. Leading you in a merry dance before a judgment panel of professional prestidigitators, you’re begging to have your feet stomped, your head whirled in dizzy, dazzling, distortions of a direction called “right” with a tune-up job attuned to democratic disaster.
No wonder you’re seeing stars where black holes invite you to fall through.
The Tarp-dance originated by George W., administered by the Obama Administration, has resulted in America’s rescue from the threat of a depression that would have made the 1920’s experience an El Dorado by comparison.
As a result of it, Wall Street is back at the old stand; the American Auto Industry has its feet back on American ground; the banks have all but repaid the Tarp loans to the government (with interest) and are predicted to emerge from near disaster to a profit for the economy. This is what can happen under bi-partisan leadershi -- a leadership Conservatives have deliberately blocked for the express purpose to making Obama fail.
And how are the fleet-footed right-wingers dancing around this one?
Guided by your pro politician, you will be whirled in a 180-degree turn that says Obama led us into bankruptcy with such over-spending a spree as the Tarp Rescue; that the president is digging our national debt deeper with it.
You will be guided to the conclusion that the Social Security set aside from your earnings for your retirement is what’s dragging the economy into the ditch; that Medicare and other humane social benefits for survival of The Aging Un-fittest, should be labeled “Socialism”; that Democrats are forever raising taxes. The truth is that 98 percent of us will have our taxes lowered when the 2 percent whose pockets have been filled to overflowing by tax breaks are forced to pay their fair share.
Masking a hollow head with a pretty face, Christine, the self-proclaimed Witch from Delaware, will spin you a web of wacky wickedness in her arrogant claim to superior intelligence over Charles Darwin, Albert Einstein, and the scientists of today who, unlike herself, have taken the trouble to learn the facts of earth discovered since Christ walked it.
In her stumble-over-facts and whirling-dervish mentality, she would partner Bristol in creaming the ballroom floor to a Sarah Serenade. And why not: If Michelle Bachman could make it and Sharron Angle can literally shoot out the winning opposition, chalk up a score for the stumbling amateurs walking backward in high heels.