PORT ORANGE, Fla. -- Dorothy Hukill is pretty much a shoo-in for re-election to a fourth term in the District 28 Statehouse seat in the Nov. 2 general election. After all, the Democrats didn't even field a candidate. Her opponent is a little-known write-in candidate.
Here's what Co-Publisher Peter Mallory Mallory wrote: I endorse Dorothy Hukill because she supports the same Ideas I have on how the state and country should be run. Dorothy has a long history in city and state government of doing the right things. As mayor of port Orange, she: 1. Worked to keep taxes down; 2. Worked to keep the number of city employees at a manageable level; 3. Managed to get many businesses to move to Port Orange. As a state representative, she worked to do all of the things that should be done. These include : 1. Keeping Florida taxes and spending down; 2. Minimizing the number of state programs and personnel.
As we stated in endorsing Hukill in the primary, her mantra is clear: Strong conservative Republican values; cutting taxes by reducing government.
It's really that simple, especially in these economic times. Hukill's continued representation will serve the needs of her constituents across party lines.
Headline Surfer endorses Dorothy Hukill in the Nov. 2 general election for state representative, district 28.