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NEW SMYRNA BEACH -- Fireworks debris wasn't the only thing littering the beach on July 4. Something else that requires a flame washed up on shore: A kilo of marijuana.
Infested with barnacles it has no value and appeared to be very old, Volusia County Beach Patrol Capt. Scott Petersohn said of the pot found by someone walking on the beach in the 4500 block south of the city limits n Sunday morning, July 4. That person flagged down a beach patrol officer and the marijuana was put into storage to be disposed of properly.
"Who knows how long it's been out there floating in the ocean," Petersohn said of the mid-day holiday discovery. "It takes weeks and weeks for something like that to become so barnacle-encrusted."
Petersohn cracked it wasn't the kind of find that would get a pot-smoker excited to "light up."
Much more of a litter problem Monday was the fireworks debris left on the Volusia County beaches.
"What can you do when you have thousands of people setting them off and we've got eight people out there," Petersohn said.