Campaign of Dorothy Hukill responds to Frank Bruno's campaign finance report

Editor's Note: The following message was sent to by the campaign for the elecytion of Dorothy Hukill for State Senate Dist. 7 race:

Dorothy Hukill Sets the Record Straight on Third Quarter Fundraising

PORT ORANGE - On Wednesday, October 12th, Dorothy Hukill's campaign released a report
to correct the record regarding the recent third quarter fundraising numbers in
the Florida Senate, District 7 race. This report is reprinted below:

An analysis of the most recent financial reports from Dorothy Hukill and Frank Bruno
reveals several interesting trends in Hukill's favor. First, only 39% of Hukill's
contributors maxed out by giving the legal maximum of $500 in the third quarter.
To compare, over 47% of Bruno's contributors maxed out in this manner. In fact,
Hukill received more contributions under $100 than donations of $500, while Bruno's
fundraising was heavily dependent on $500 checks. These smaller donors will be able
to give to Hukill again and again as the race continues, while Bruno's maxed-out
contributors will be forced to sit on the sidelines.

Digging deeper into the reports confirms Hukill's strength among smaller donors.
Over 42% of her contributors gave $50 or less, while only 13% of Bruno's contributors
gave $50 or less. This disparity increases further down the scale. A healthy 36%
of Hukill's donors gave less than $50, while a shocking 3% of Bruno's did the same.
This may seem like a typo, but it isn't. Only 11 of Bruno's contributors gave $50
or less, while Hukill had 100 of these contributors.

The takeaway? All in all, Hukill's report shows a healthy balance between large
and small contributions. The fact that over half of her contributors gave $100 or
less proves that Hukill has a strong and growing base of grassroots support in the
local community. By comparison, Bruno's report is heavily slanted towards big-dollar,
special-interest contributors. An alarmingly low number of his contributions came
from small donors. Instead, his campaign appears to be funded largely by big checks
from the power elite.

"One thing is clear from these most recent reports: members of the middle-class
who have been most affected by Frank Bruno's failed economic policies, including
those who can't afford to give the big-dollar checks, are now speaking out -- and
they want a change," Hukill said. "I'm proud of the support that our campaign has
received from throughout the local community at the grassroots level, and I'll be
honored to fight on their behalf to change the status quo as their senator in

Additionally, while Bruno's campaign originally announced that it had raised $118,700
in the third quarter, his report shows just $97,528 actual dollars raised. This
lower sum leaves Bruno well behind Hukill in both hard dollars raised and total
cash on hand. To date, Hukill has raised $158,028, compared to only $97,528 for
Bruno. Hukill currently holds a campaign war chest of $110,019, while Bruno has
only $83,097 cash on hand excluding loans.


Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Dorothy L. Hukill, Republican for
State Senate, District 7.