PORT ORANGE -- With the first day of school right around the corner, many families will be finishing their back-to-school shopping soon. To provide relief during this important time, the Florida Legislature is bringing back the Back-to-School Sales Tax Holiday this year. I'm happy to have supported this legislation, which will save Florida families millions of dollars and provide a boost to our local economy.
The Sales Tax Holiday begins this Friday, Aug. 3, and runs through Sunday night, Aug. 5. During this time, clothing, footwear, and certain accessories under $75 and school supplies under $15 will be sales-tax free. Even if you don't have children to buy for, you can still benefit from this event. Your purchases of clothing, footwear, and certain supplies will still be exempt from the sales tax, even if you aren't buying for school.
In addition, many retailers plan large sales around this event, so it's a great time to pick up a few extra items. You can find more information about the holiday, including a list of tax-exempt items, at this link: 2012 Sales Tax Holiday, http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001DrqbdXFJK11Jle3fdn7vTeN8Rzvy4jSUYrxtOImYHs4QnfVqAcQGCQzmEbLVE_BGGEKaIa32af5LI3sjnBYMBohbObNFG8xCayreg6cpCZml8_vK_2MxO-GATFOjWlS-xNo8yKoVhipA5SAEpSCpWKNnrBbpSLH_.
I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to save. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Sincerely, Dorothy L. Hukill
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