DELTONA, Fla. -- The Florida League of Cities has recognized Deltona Commissioner Heidi Herzberg with a 2015 Home Rule Hero Award for her "tireless efforts to advance the League’s legislative agenda and help protect the home rule powers of Florida’s cities during the 2015 legislative session."
Home Rule Hero Award recipients are local government officials – both elected and non-elected – who consistently responded to the League’s request to reach out to members of the Florida Legislature and help give a local perspective to an issue.
“Strong home rule powers ensure government stays close to the people it serves,” Herzberg told Headline Surfer® after receiving her award.
“That’s why I have been, and will continue to be, an advocate for the League – to help eliminate unfunded mandates and pr-eemptions, and protect cities’ right to home rule powers.”
“Strong home rule powers ensure government stays close to the people it serves,” Deltona Commissioner Herzberg told Headline Surfer® after receiving her award. “That’s why I have been, and will continue to be, an advocate for the League – to help eliminate unfunded mandates and pre-emptions, and protect cities’ right to home rule powers.”
First elected as a city commissioner in November 2010, and then re-elected in 2014 as Deltona’s District 3 Commissioner, Herzberg has been an advocate for local and regional governments working together.
She is passionate about reducing Deltona's feral cat population and what the city spends euthanizing abandoned cats and dogs. She was instrumental in a pilot program for Trap-Neuter-Return in Deltona.
"Commissioner Herzberg embodies the definition of a Home Rule Hero. She is extremely dedicated and works hard for the citizens of Deltona,” Florida League of Cities Legislative Director Scott Dudley said in a prepared statement.
Dudley said Herzberg brings that same level of commitment and energy to helping the Florida League of Cities lobbying team and is always ready and willing to contact legislators and help advocate in support of home rule.
"Commissioner Herzberg has and always will be a valuable asset to her city and the state of Florida,” Dudley added.
In addition to serving as an elected Deltona city commissioner, Heidi Herzberg's community activities include: