NEW SMYRNA BEACH, Fla. -- Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will a $1.2 million beautification of the North Causeway in this picturesque beach-front city of 22,000 residents.
Beautification begins today along the North Causeway, from Riverside Drive east to the George E. Musson Bridge. That's the draw bridge, in and of itself, a major bummer for motorists, especially when the beach is letting out for the day.
The city's beautification project will will add two landscaped center-lane medians, pedestrian street lights along the south side of a pedestrian bike path and decorative crosswalks at the Barracuda Boulevard intersection, said Michelle Updike, capital improvements project manager for the municipality.
It's called a beautification project because it's just that -- beautification -- or aesthetically-pleasing upgrades to the scenery. None of it is mandatory for safety.
The city's beautification project will will add two landscaped center-lane medians, pedestrian street lights along the south side of a pedestrian bike path and decorative crosswalks at the Barracuda Boulevard intersection, said Michelle Updike, capital improvements project manager for the municipality. It's called a beautification project because it's just that -- beautification -- or aesthetically-pleasing upgrades to the scenery. None of it is mandatory for safety.
Intermittent single-lane access is expected almost immediately with the installation of two, center-lane landscaped medians. No detours are expected, Updike said.
Roadway construction is expected to be completed by year' end. Then road-side landscaping will begin in January and continue ell into the new year with completion some time next Spring.
The $1.2 million project is funded through a $500,000 Landscape Grant from the Florida Department of Transportation and by the City of New Smyrna Beach and Volusia County through the New Smyrena Beach Community Redevelopment Agency.