DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- The underpass of the pedestrian walkover between the Ocean Center parking garage and the Ocean Walk Shoppes has been upgraded with fresh art tiles created by local elementary school children.
The original art wall was created in 2002, when the pedestrian walkover was built, but time and sea air took their toll on the art tiles.
"Volusia County Schools and ArtHaus stepped up to the plate and offered to create colorful new tiles, which they unveiled Dec. 21, outside the Votran transfer plaza at the Ocean Center," Kendra Lee, a Volusia County spokeswoman told Headline Surfer®.
"Each tile was hand painted under the guidance of Monique Fischer and the ArtHaus summer program art teachers," Lee added.
"Volusia County Schools and ArtHaus stepped up to the plate and offered to create colorful new tiles, which they unveiled Dec. 21, outside the Votran transfer plaza at the Ocean Center," Kendra Lee, a Volusia County spokeswoman told Headline Surfer®. "Each tile was hand painted under the guidance of Monique Fischer and the ArtHaus summer program art teachers.
Fischer, who recently retired from Horizon Elementary School, views her participation in the project as a gift to the community for allowing her the privilege to teach art to children for a quarter-century, Lee said.
Votran General Manager.Steve Sherrer said he and others working for the county's public bus system are "excited to recognize these young artists and unveil the new artwork that will brighten this area for many years to come."