Photo for Headline Surfer / Wind gusts of at least 39 mph from the outer bands of Hurricane Dorian have forced Ormond Beach officials to shut down traffic to the Granada Bridge as shown above.

ORMOND BEACH, Fla. -- Access to and from Ormond Beach beach's beachside has been halted due to hurricane wind gusts that have forced the municipality to shut down the high-arching Granada Bridge in both connections, a city official said.
"The Granda Bridge has been shut down to traffic," Ormond Beach spokeswoman Jenn Elston informed Headline Surfer in an email media alert at 9:38 p.m., roughly 10 minutes ago.
"The bridge will reopen when conditions have improved and it is deemed safe," Elston added.
"The Granda Bridge has been shut down to traffic," Ormond Beach spokeswoman Jenn Elston informed Headline Surfer in an email media alert at 9:38 p.m., roughly 10 minutes ago.
"The bridge will reopen when conditions have improved and it is deemed safe," Elston added.