DELTONA, Fla. -- Volusia County school shooting threats continued Sunday night with parents in Deltona warned to keep their kids home from Galaxy Middle
Tonight I received a call from Galaxy Middle School saying there was another threat and thanks to observant parents, law enforcement and school administrators were notified immediately and action taken! I am truly grateful for the parents that were on it and the school, law enforcement being responsive quickly. As a mom with two sons who attend Public School (Galaxy Middle School and Deltona High School) I am confident in the administration and law enforcement to protect our students and my son will be in school tomorrow because of not only an increased police presence but with prayer. Now if we could just get these students and adults (one was from SC) to stop making these threats and causing fear! I understand any parents concern. It’s time to stop this and let’s move forward with our children receiving an education without fear.
School Board Vice Chair John Hill also took to Facebook adressed to "Parents and students of VCS," stating, "Every single threat made regarding any of our schools is taken seriously without any delay. Our staff along with the sheriffs office are working diligently to assure ALL students are protected and safe."
Headline Surfer reached out to Sheriff Mike Chitwood's civilian PIOs, Andrew Gant and Laura Williams, in an email at 9:50p.m. seeking further information on the threat and extent of stepped-up law enforcement at the middle school, but there was no response from either of them. And nothing was posted by Gant or Williams on the Volusia County social media accounts for Facebook or Twitter.