Daytona African-American journalist blocked by Twitter unless he removes controversial tweet on Kanye West

By James Harper
Guest Columnist
Headline Surfer®
EDITOR'S NOTE Headline Surfer abhors the use of the N-word, but is allowing its limited use here by the guest columnist since it is from a copy of the verbiage he used in his tweet as follows in italics:
@DeadlineWH @Nicolle Wallace @stengel @Michael Steele @kanyewest is a house nigger. and not a musical genius. He showed his ignorance today. is this the kind of best people @realDonaldTrump surrounds himself. No wonder he is ignorant too. BOYCOTT KANYE

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla -- I am not one who tweets a lot. As a matter of fact, I hardly ever check my Twitter account.

So imagine my shock one of the few times I actually do tweet it gets me suspended and locked out. And I won't be allowed back into Twitter unless I delete the tweet I posted. The gall of Twitter to force my hand, for I stand by every word I tweeted. I disagree with Twitter's assertion that I threatened someone.

What got me tweeting on Thursday, Oct. 11, were comments made by Kanye West while he was visiting President Donald Trump at the White House.     

My jaw continuously dropped and I shook my head repeatedly every time Kanye opened his mouth to speak. I could not believe the ignorance and brainwashing I was hearing. It wasn't that he was a Trump supporter that bothered or shocked me but what the rapper was saying to the president and the world -- his expressed opinions which I honestly believe he thinks are facts.

Another observation is he had no clue that people were laughing at him as he bragged about Superman being his hero and how Yeezy made him a billionaire. To which I asked myself aloud, "What is a Yeezy?"

Pardon me for being a 56-year-old who didn't know what a Yeezy was but after a quick Google search, I discovered people were paying $200 and more for a Yeezy -- sneaker. My jaw dropped again. But back to the Tweet about Kanye that has me suspended. and locked out of  Twitter unless "I" delete said tweet: The thought that Kanye could be warping the minds of millions with his ignorance -- one being the president of the U.S. -- frightens me.

As Kanye spoke, the first image that came to my mind as I saw his eyes bugging out and hands flailing was the actor, "Stepin Fetchit," who was known to perform roles as a "house nigger" in movies from the '30s and '40s. The only difference between the two black men is one was acting, and I'm not talking about kanye.

Kanye was summoned to the Big House to speak to his massa, Donald Trump.

Kanye preceded to praise his "massa" as he talked about how his red "Make America Great Again" hat made him feel like his favorite superhero --  Superman. Imagine my relief, though I'm sure he was thinking it that  kanye didn't also say Tarzan was also one of his favorite heroes.

With his MAGA hat on, Kanye called for the abolishment of the 13th Amendment which he called a trap door.

The 13th amendment made slavery of black people illegal, yet Kanye wants it abolished. Again Stepin Fetchit comes to mind.

Kanye then divulged he was diagnosed as bipolar but he tried to convince us that he was misdiagnosed and actually suffers from "sleep deprivation" and in10 to 20 years he will suffer from dementia.

Again, I was shaking my head in disbelief of what a supposedly educated man is saying.

My jaw dropped yet again when Kanye implied black people are Democrats so the party can help them get welfare so they can have more kids.

Kanye implied the prison and murder rates shot up among blacks because mental health institutions were closing their doors back in the '90s and '80s; he called racism an "invisible wall" and stereotyped black people as emotional because they call Trump a racist due to the many things he said and did while running for president and since his inauguration.

All Kanye sees is what Trump has done to make him comfortable as in richer like the slave master did for the "house niggers" while the other slaves were picking cotton worried about being hit with a whip by their white overseers.

 Kanye, in the end, told Trump how much he loved him and then tried to hug him with the president giving him the incredulous look of "I know you are not touching me."

It was not the press conference itself that provoked me to tweet but afterward, I was watching a cable show on MSNBC called Deadline with Nicolle Wallace and she had a panel on to discuss Kanye's visit to the White House. One of the panelists referred to Kanye as a musical genius.

My jaw dropped again.

Stevie Wonder, Beyonce and Janet Jackson are musical geniuses. Aretha Franklin, Prince, and Michael Jackson were not only musical geniuses but iconic as well. Kanye West is neither.  Yet nobody on Nicolle Wallace's panel took Kanye to task.

So I took them to task by tweeting every one of them on the panel, including Wallace: @DeadlineWH @Nicolle Wallace @stengel @Michael Steele @kanyewest is a house nigger. and not a musical genius.  He showed his ignorance today. is this the kind of best people @realDonaldTrump surrounds himself. No wonder he is ignorant too. BOYCOTT KANYE.

I can only say so much in a tweet and nowhere in this tweet is there a threat as Twitter has implied in blocking and not allowing me back in unless I delete my tweet. My gut instinct tells me it was my use of the N-word which I never use in my own vocabulary unless it's to make a point such as this.

I can only say so much in a tweet and nowhere in this tweet is there a threat as Twitter has implied in blocking and not allowing me back in unless I delete my tweet. My gut instinct tells me it was my use of the N-word which I never use in my own vocabulary unless it's to make a point such as this.

Yes, I called for a boycott of Kanye's music and merchandise because apparently, he thinks like Trump and the only way to get his attention is through his wallet. I commend Kanye on his accomplishments but my First Amendment right to free speech shouldn't be challenged because I express an opinion about him.

If anyone's free speech right should be challenged, it should be Kanye West. And his mentor, Donald Trump as well. Often when they speak, it sounds like they are yelling fire in a crowded room, which, of course, is not free speech.

Being bipolar and having dementia are issues that should not be so lightly talked about by Kanye. As one who has family members living with both conditions, it's easy for me to recognize the symptoms. Kanye should get another opinion about his bipolar diagnosis and President Trump reminds me of my mother during her early stages of dementia, which have since morphed into Alzheimer's.

Kanye needs to realize that he is being used. He needs to educate himself more before he speaks, especially if he wants to continue to rap. A boycott of his Yeezy sneaker and his rap music is needed to wake him up.

I hope Twitter reconsiders unblocking me. If my clicking delete is the only way to get back on, then it looks like I've tweeted my last tweet.

Meet guest columnist James Harper
James Harper is a freelance journalist who has dedicated most of his journalism career covering issues that impact the black community. He was a former editorial page editor/senior reporter for the weekly Daytona Times and Florida Courier. And before that in the 1980s, he was a copy editor for the Daytona Beach News-Journal after graduating from the University of Florida in 1984, with a BA in Journalism.
Harper has won numerous journalism-industry awards, including first place recognition from the Florida Press Club as well as the National Newspaper Publishers Association. He was chosen by the NNPA in 2012, to cover the XIX International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. Harper also has won Griot Awards and an award from the Florida Press Association for a collection of stories.
One of Harper's proudest assignments was covering the George Zimmerman murder trial in Sanford. He and Headline Surfer Publisher® Henry Frederick were the only members of the working press from Volusia County to actively cover the daily trial proceedings.