YouTube download / AP video / California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom order Californians to shelter in place in attempt to control the spread of the coronavirus. Closer to home here in Central Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis refused to close the beaches on both coasts. As shown above, the World's Most Famous Beach in Daytona was jam-packed with cxollege kids on Spring Break who were kicked off the meaches in South Florida ordered closed by Democrat-controlled county governments from Miami up through Fort Lauderdale.
Posted: 2020-03-20 - 09:16:56
By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Six days have come and gone since the last of 500,000 bikers in Daytona for Bike Week hit the open road after 10 days of partying in the bars in the midst of the growing coronavirus pandemic threat that saw the NBA suspend regular season play, Major League Baseball postpone the upcoming season and Orlando's Disney World, the No. 1 tourism destination on the planet.
But on Tuesday, Ron DeSantis, Florida's Republican governor announced he would not shut down the Sunshine State's beaches that were still open; instead deferring to local government the responsibility of ensuring social distance was being practiced by beach goers in clusters of no more than 10 persons.
And that allowed thousands of Spring Breakers who were shut out of South Beach and other South Florida beaches controlled by Democratic lawmakers to flock to the World's Most Famous Beach in Daytona and beaches on the Gulf Coast primarily the beaches of Tampa and St. Pete.
DeSantis' move green-lighted the Republican-controlled Volusia County Council that very afternoon to keep the county's beaches open with controls. It was manageable the day after, but by Thursday the beaches were jam-packed. Volusia County Manager George Reckenwald decided by mid-afternoon that starting today and through the weekend, cars would be banned from driving onto the beach.
Then came the almost shocking news late Thursday night that California's governor had ordered that state's roughly 40 million people to remain in their homes.
By mid-morning, Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry took to social media with a rallying cry that everyone to go home - an indirect reference to the burgeoning college crowd. "It is time that we notice that costal communities are being hit hardest," Mayor Henry posted on his Facebook page. "Stay home as much as possible. Much more drastic measures will be needed if we don’t. Monroe County ordered all hotels in the Florida Keys closed indefinitely beginning at 6 p.m. trying to stop the spread of COVID-19. Do your part."
By mid-morning, Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry took to social media with a rallying cry that everyone to go home - an indirect reference to the burgeoning college crowd. "It is time that we notice that costal communities are being hit hardest," Mayor Henry posted on his Facebook page. "Stay home as much as possible. Much more drastic measures will be needed if we don’t. Monroe County ordered all hotels in the Florida Keys closed indefinitely beginning at 6 p.m. trying to stop the spread of COVID-19. Do your part."
Volusia County Thursday night announced enhanced safety measures for beaches.
Beginning today, the vehicular beach access ramps in New Smyrna Beach will remain closed.
And on Saturday and Sunday, all Volusia County vehicular access ramps will remain closed, the plans outlined for the extended weekend serving as a measure of crowd control.
"These actions will provide Volusia County Beach Safety staff the ability to manage beachgoers and maintain safety by enforcing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines." said Kate Sark, a county spokeswoman. "Beachgoers must continue to observe the enhanced guidelines put in place by Governor DeSantis."
Sark added, "Rules include limiting groups to ten people or less and maintaining a 6-foot distance from all other groups. Conditions remain fluid, and plans may be adjusted as necessary to protect the health and safety of our community.