Headline Surfer photo illustration / Sunday was one of the saddest days for Webster Barnaby of Deltona.
By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer
DELTONA, Fla. -- The coronavirus news just kept getting worse for Webster Barnaby - then it got really personal and emotionally painful deep in his heart and soul.
Barnaby lost not one, but two of his dearest friends back home in his native England in the span of a week.
The former Deltona city commissioner, who had been doing some prep work to gear up for a big campaign for a Florida Statehouse seat in the 2020 elections amid the daily grind on his psyche and millions of Americans seemingly trapped in the grips of this global pandemic, knew his immediate family was his first priority. Campaigning could wait. And it has save for social media postings. on his Facebook pages.
But this particular Facebook posting on Sunday by Barnaby was not about the campaign - not about partisan politics. It was personal and painful:
"2 of my best friends now dead from Coronavirus. Evangelist Fabian Anderson who led me to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior on Tuesday December 6th 1983. He was also the Best Man at our Wedding on July 11th, 1987. He is now with the Lord. This morning another friend Sister June Easy, wife of another dear friend in England Les Easie also died from this Pandemic. Everyone please heed all the WARNINGS this thing is real and Very Dangerous!!!"
But this particular Facebook posting on Sunday by Barnaby was not about the campaign - not about partisan politics. It was personal and painful:
"2 of my best friends now dead from Coronavirus. Evangelist Fabian Anderson who led me to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior on Tuesday December 6th 1983. He was also the Best Man at our Wedding on July 11th, 1987. He is now with the Lord. This morning another friend Sister June Easy, wife of another dear friend in England Les Easie also died from this Pandemic. Everyone please heed all the WARNINGS this thing is real and Very Dangerous!!!"
Barnaby's post drew more than 600 likes and 350 comments.
Molly Cunningham of Ormond Beach wrote: "So sorry, I’m going to stop what I’m doing and pray for them and you." Orlando resident Darlene Baptiste wrote: "So very sorry for the loss of the faithful servants of God. Be encouraged in the Lord."
And Keith Cheney posted: "I'm so sorry for the losses of your dear friends. These are such unpredictable times, so many questions that are unanswered. Blessings to you."
As of this morning, there were 303,000 cases of coronavirus infection and 14,000 deaths. In the US, there have been 24,000 cases of coronavirus infection and 300 deaths.
About the Byline Writer:
Henry Frederick is publisher of Headline Surfer, the award-winning 24/7 internet news outlet launched 12 years ago that serves greater Daytona Beach, Sanford & Orlando, Florida via HeadlineSurfer.com. Frederick has amassed more than a hundred journalism industry awards in print & online -- more than than all other members of the working press combined in Central Florida since the mid-1990s. He earned his Master of Arts in New Media Journalism with academic honors from Full Sail University in 2019. Having witnessed the execution of serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Florida's death chamber and other high profile cases, Frederick has appeared on national crime documentary programs on Discovery ID and Reelz for his investigative reporting and cops & courts breaking news stories.
Award-Winning Journalism of Henry Frederick.