Explore Volusia County: Be as wise as an owl and learn about birds of prey at Lyonia Environmental Center in Deltona

Headline Surfer photo illustration / They are nature's aerial hunters. Welcome to Florida's birds of prey.
Headline Surfer

DELTONA, Fla. -- The raptors of Marine Science Center in Ponce Inlet will travel to the Lyonia Environmental Center on Friday for an avian learning adventure.

Volunteer Coordinator Laura Albert will discuss the birds’ flight, hunting skills and habitats. Meet at Lyonia Environmental Center, 2150 Eustace Ave., Deltona. Volusia County’s Environmental Management Division sponsors outdoor education programs to acquaint residents with the county’s conservation lands and land management practices. 

Volunteer Coordinator Laura Albert will discuss the birds’ flight, hunting skills and habitats. Meet at Lyonia Environmental Center, 2150 Eustace Ave., Deltona. Volusia County’s Environmental Management Division sponsors outdoor education programs to acquaint residents with the county’s conservation lands and land management practices. 

Reservations are required: Please call 386-736-5927.