DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Former Volusia County GOP Chair Stanley Escudero has thrown his support behind the candidacy of of Dana Dougherty of Deltona in her quest for a third four-year term as Republican state committeewoman over her challenger, Marilyn Chandler Ford in the Aug. 30 primary.
Only registered Republicans in Volusia County are eligible to vote in this election.
"I do not normally endorse but do so this year because of the turmoil and change taking place in our local Republican Party," said Escudero, who was the GOP chair during the 2012 presidential election cycle and a member of the Rebublican Executive Committee, before resigning earlier this month, citing personal reasons. "At this time, when we are losing our solid State Committeeman Alan Burton to another race, we really need an institutional memory."
Escudero was quick to point out that Doughterty is "experienced with eight years under her belt and has been appointed to two standing committees" of the Republican Party of Florida.
"Dana has an extensive network of reliable and supportive contacts in many other counties and, most importantly, at the state level," Escudero explained, adding, "Her distinguished opponent, no matter how hard she works, would need at least two years even to begin to duplicate what Dana already has in place. We are deep in the middle of the stream. This is no time to change horses."
Escudero, a retired foreign ambassador, a member of the Daytona State College board of trustees and president of the Republican Club of Southeast Volusia, concluded his endorsement by urging "all of my friends and fellow Republicans to vote for Dana Dougherty for State Committeewoman on August 30th."
Marilyn Ford, a retired director of the Volusia County Division of Corrections and a criminal justice instructor at the University of Central Florida, has not held public office. Like Dougherty, she is a member of the Volusia County REC. Ford and her husband, Bob Ford live in Port Orange where he is a city councilman and retired police chief.