YouTube video download / Donald Trump, Republican nominee for president, speaks to supporters at a campaign rally on Tuesday, Oct, 25, 2016, at the Million Air Orlando in the Orlando Sanford International Airport in Sanford, Florida.

SANFORD, Fla. -- Headline Surfer, the Sanford-based award-winning 24/7 internet news outlet serving the greater Daytona Beach-Orlando metro area, proudly endorses Donald J. Trump for President of the United States and urges voters here in Central Florida and those across America to vote for the Republican nominee on Nov. 8.
Or perhaps even today, during early voting, which runs through Nov. 6, in Orange and Seminole counties, and through Nov. 5, in Volusia County.
Headline Surfer is nowhere near the stature or influence of Florida's print newspaper giants like the Orlando Sentinel, the Miami Herald, Tampa Bay Times, or the Sun Sentinel of Fort Lauderdale, all of which have endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton, following the national trend.
Admittedly, Trump has had some missteps -- in many cases -- he's fallen flat on his face. But he's seemingly able to pick himself up and continue on for another day with his enticing mantra to "Make America Great Again."
Trump played the Republican Party, and worse still, the billionaire host of NBC's "The Apprentice," played the national media. CNN is just as culpable in creating the Trump persona as Fox News.
Then again, CNN and MSNBC, are just as guilty in creating the persona of Hillary Clinton, too. Does anyone really believe she cares about the working class poor or those stuck in the inner-city projects of Chicago, Atlanta or Detroit?
How about African-Americans in the slums of Memphis, Tenn., where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was cut down by the rifle of white racist James Earl Ray nearly a half century ago, or more recently the ugliness in Ferguson, Mo, where riots broke out after a white cop shot and killed African-American Michael Brown? Or Newburgh, NY, where NBA player Amare Stoudemire grew up?
Trump has clearly crossed the line with his sexual degradation of women, including the raw language, he described as "locker room" talk. Not very presidential in the least, but he did apologize for it. And why did this come out well after the the GOP and Democratic conventions?
And Trump's reference to building "The Wall" and having Mexico pay for it as well as keeping out all Muslims because they might be terrorists, at the least demonstrate racial, ethnic and religious insensitivity.
But there is another side to this long forgotten: The bloodshed of 9/11 -- not just when the Twin Towers were toppled by two planes hijacked out of Boston's Logan International. But a third hijacked plane that struck the Pentagon and a fourth headed for Washington that would have likely taken out the White House or the Capitol Building had it not been for the brave passengers who stormed the cockpit and forced the plane into a field in Shanksville, Pa.
Headline Surfer is among the smallest daily media outlets in the US and perhaps globally, but it's no blog site. Its main writer, who is authoring this endorsement is one of Florida's most decorated reporters with literally dozens of journalism industry awards for breaking news and investigative reporting -- basically everything, but the Pulitzer.
This internet media site's news content is mined around the clock by Google News. Indeed, this reporter was among the first to interview Trayvon Martin's parents, Sybrina Fulton and Tracey Martin with a hand-held video camera following a large rally in Miami in the weeks that followed the unarmed teen's slaying. The effort resulted in a Florida Press Club award and a second for courtroom coverage in Sanford.
Indeed, one of the six award-winning stories, the reporter for this media outlet has been honored with in the 2016 Florida Press Club awards is the scary incident at the end of the 2015 Coke Zero 400 July race at Daytona International Speedway where a big pile-up ensued just as Dale EarnhardtJr., the finish line, with one race car going airborne and tearing partially through the catch fence before the car was thrown back onto the track. The reporter was in a unique position in the grandstands to capture the injured being treated.
Why does this matter? Well, remember when the media went gaga over Donald Trump's friendship with NASCAR CEO Brian France early on during the primaries?
Look, here's the situation: Headline Surfer asserts that it has as much, if not more credibility than the string of daily Gatehouse-owned newspapers it owns in Florida such as the Daytona Beach News-Journal, the Sarasota Herald Tribune, the Gainesville Sun, Ocala Star Banner and others that are not endorsing any candidates on Nov. 8, never mind Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
As mentioned earlier with the reference to Trayvon Martin's killing in a gated community less than 5 miles from this media outlet's residence ion unincorporated Seminole County (Sanford post office mailing address), the Black Lives Matter was borne out of the Trayvon fallout.
And less than 25 miles from here, was the largest mass shooting on American soil since 9/11: On June 12, 2016, Omar Mir Seddique Mateen, a 29-year-old security guard, killed 49 people and wounded 53 others, which this media outlet attempted to cover, but the reporter was recovering from invasive surgery for a massive aorta aneurysm.
While Hillary Clinton and President Obama downplayed the terrorist angle in favor of the hate crime angle. While it clearly had elements of both hate and terrorism, Trump was somewhat vindicated for his ban on Muslims, even if short-lived.
It is terrorism -- the safety and sanctity of our Western way of life and security of our loved ones that is clearly the No. 1 issue of American life in a post-9/11 world.
Donald Trump understands this. It is this media outlet's belief that Donald Trump is far more like Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy in being pro-active in America's defense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- not the ongoing fears of being blown up like in France, Belgium and Germany.
It is terrorism -- the safety and sanctity of our Western way of life and security of our loved ones that is clearly the No. 1 issue of American life in a post-9/11 world. Donald Trump understands this. It is this media outlet's belief that Donald Trump is far more like Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy in being pro-active in America's defense of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness -- not the ongoing fears of being blown up like in France, Belgium and Germany.
Donald Trump's faults are well known -- with the only real exception being the extent of his billions because he hasn't filed his income tax returns for a number of years.
But for those media outlets so smug with their choice of Hillary Clinton, what do we really know about what's in her closet? If Benghazi is open and shut, why are there so many unanswered questions. Why is WikiLeaks doing a better job than the mainstream media in uncovering her dark secrets? And what of her private email server and her money connections with Wall Street?
Hillary Clinton made hay of Vladimir Putin, describing him during the Al Smith Dinner as the horse Trump rides. But at least Trump has a dialogue with Putin.
What would Hillary do if militants like the Tsarnaev Brothers (Boston Marathon terrorist attack) in Islamic-laden Dagestan or Chechnya, got their hands on one of those nukes not accounted for in Moscow's inventory in say the Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan or any number of former Soviet republics with strong muslim ties?
Wasn't it really Susan Rice, then-US ambassador to the UN who was next in line to replace Clinton before she went on the cable talk shows and blamed Benghazi on a video, in reality taking the fall for Hillary Clinton?
After all, Benghazi happened on Hillary Clinton's watch as Madam Secretary, right?
Or how about Obama the Administration's removal of "Islamic State" in Omar Mateen's 9-1-1 calls during the terrorist bloodbath he created?
And the same White House referring to terrorist rampages like what occurred in Orlando and Santa Barbara, Calif. as "mass shootings as opposed to what they truly were -- terrorist rampages?"
These are the multiple reasons why Headline Surfer endorses Donald J. Trump for President of the United States.