I'm non-politician Darlene Vann and I 'don't approve this message'

By Darlene Vann
Community Column: Musings
Headline Surfer

EDGEWATER, Fla. Now that the elections are over, here's a nagging question I've wanted to write about: Whoever made the rule that politicians have to say “I’m so and so and I approve this message” in my opinion should be hung from the rafters.

I guess that’s a bit harsh maybe they should be strapped to a chair in front of a television that is constantly blaring the message for a couple of days. Not bad enough we have to be bombarded with thousands of campaign ads annoying in their own right, but each has the irritating blurb at the end of it as well. It really gets on my nerves.

While I am on a tangent  about such things, I also don’t agree with the ruling that all the possible negative side effects of a drug have to be explained in each ad.

Who wants to hear about erections lasting more than four hours, nausea bloating and diarrhea, women’s heavy periods, and other equally obnoxious things a million times a day?

While I am on a tangent about such things, I also don’t agree with the ruling that all the possible negative side effects of a drug have to be explained in each ad. Who wants to hear about erections lasting more than four hours, nausea bloating and diarrhea, women’s heavy periods, and other equally obnoxious things a million times a day?

They tell you in some ads if you are taking MAOI inhibitors you should not take this medication. Now how many people actually know what that means? I think this information is your doctor's responsibility. He knows what medicines go with what and he is the one who should warn you about side effects and advise you to report them to him right away.

These advertisements send people running to their physicians demanding the new drug when it is not appropriate for them or not necessary. That puts the doctor in a difficult position, takes his time unnecessarily and makes longer waits in the waiting rooms for you and me while he tries to explain why he is not going to prescribe the drug.

I think that the information insults our intelligence. The average person knows there are side effects to every drug, even aspirin, so why is this addition to the advertisement needed?

It is the powerful drug companies covering their butts from our litigious society that’s why!

I think drug ads should be banned like cigarette ads were in the past. Drug ads aren’t good for our health either.

Column Posted: 2010-11-17 18:49:07