EDGEWATER, Fla. -- If you are like me you wonder where did respect for others go? Kids today are so rude. Adults seem mostly to be for themselves and to heck with the other guy.
The other night I was drifting through channels and landed on Dan Abrams news show. He was showing parents at school board meetings. These parents were screaming obscenities, throwing things at the members of the board, even engaging in fist-fights with the board members and each other. There are incidents like these across the country, apparently by conservative GOP insiders.
Now I have an answer to why children today act as they do. Parents are their role models and look how they are acting lately. If they don’t agree with the government or anyone who does not agree with them.
I admit I am now 75 years old and if I tried acting this way there would have been instant punishment. I never saw my parents or grandparents act in this manner. If they disagreed with something, they would write letters to the editor of the local daily newspaper.
I admit I am now 75 years old and if I tried acting this way there would have been instant punishment. I never saw my parents or grandparents act in this manner. If they disagreed with something, they would write letters to the editor of the local daily newspaper.
They would not run to television which ramps up the tension to ultimate levels. They spoke to their peers and voted against things they thought were not good policies for the people as a whole.
Each generation since I was growing up has become more vocal and more physical in their objections to whatever they dislike. The more poverty we have and the more disgruntled parents have become trying to work numerous jobs to put food on the table they have no time for their children and do not mince their words when children are present. Or they cannot find jobs and are so stressed they take those stresses out on everyone around them.
Their children then go to school and bully others thinking this is proper behavior.
It is a sad state of affairs we are currently residing in. When the police have to maintain a presence at a school board meeting to protect the board members we have strayed way too far from civility.
It's about time Time went back to being respectful to everyone and finding peaceful ways to make changes not threatening bodily harm if things do not go your way. The world changes as we grow, can’t help that. But we have the power to learn to control ourselves and teach our children proper behavior. It's the right thing to do.
YouTube download / KARE 11 video / America is becoming famous for its explosive school board meetings across the nation, and the national school board association is asking for federal help.