Naturally, conservative Republicans are disappointed that former Gov. Jeb Bush decided not to run for the U.S. Senate seat in 2010 with the announced retirement of Mel Martinez. Jeb Bush is considered by many conservatives as being the finest candidate for any political office. He would have been a shoo in to become senator -- so much so that he was not expected to have any challengers from inside the party.
However it is quite understandable with all the mud and propaganda that has been thrown at his presidential brother that he decided to keep his powder dry and make his move later on.
In a statement carried by national media outlets, Bush, the brother of President Bush described the opportunity to serve "compelling" but added, ""Now is not the right time to return to elected office."
Among those expected to now jump in on the GOP side are Florida Congressman, former state House speaker Marco Rubio and Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.
Bush was governor from 1009 to 207, forced out by term limits.
Miami Mayor Manny Diaz is among several Democrats possibly in the mix. The only Democrats holding statewide office are U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson and Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink.