Photo Opp - Daytona Beach-area insurance exec Tony Grippa mugs it up with former GOP presidential candidate George Pataki

Create: Fri, 10/21/2016 - 04:22
Author: Henry

Photos for Headline Surfer / Above, retired Brown and Brown, Inc. executive Tony Grippa post this pic showing him with former New York Gov. George Pataki, who was among the early exits from the 2016 GOP race for president.

Headline Surfer

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Local insurance magnate Tony Grippa, recently-retired from Brown & Brown Inc., was all too eager to showcase a picture-perfect display shot of himself mugging it up with former New York Gov. George Pataki, who was unable to make much of a dent in the crowded 2016 GOP field for president, with Trump out-muscling even the likes of of former Florida Gov. Jed Bush and US Sen. Marco Rubio, the early favorites.

Still, it's not every day one gets a snapshot in the Big Apple with a former two-term governor, no less. And Ormond Beach's Grippa, a former VP at Brown and Brown, seized the moment. "

Just ran into governor George Pataki during my business trip to NYC," Grippa posted on his Facebook page back in late October. "What a great guy! Need more people like him running for office."

Anthony "Tony Grippa of Ormond Beach, Fl / Headline Surfer®Still, it's not every day one gets a snapshot in the Big Apple with a former two-term governor, no less. And Ormond Beach's Anthony 'Tony' Grippa, a former VP at Daytona Beach-based Brown and Brown, Inc, seized the moment. 

"Just ran into governor George Pataki during my business trip to NYC," Grippa posted on his Facebook page back in late October. "What a great guy! Need more people like him running for office."

Then again, as if Trump's performance in the third and final debate with Hillary Clinton Wednesday wasn't bad enough, the Republican outsider certainly didn't make any new friends last night during the nationally-televised Al Smith Dinner, attended by Hillary Clinton, too, who was far more gracious and less abrasive.


Former NY Gov. George Pataki was an also-ran in his 2016 quest for the presidency / Headline SurferGeorge Pataki was the 5th GOPer to drop out of the race. Here is the order from first to exit before Donald Trump was the last man standing:

1. Rick Perry on Sept 11, 2015,  2. Scott Walker Sept, 21, 2015; 3. Bobby Jindal on Nov. 17, 2015;  4. Lindsey Graham on Dec. 21, 2015; 5. George Pataki on Dec. 29, 2015... 6. Mike Huckabee on Feb. 1; 7. Rick Santorum and Rand Paul on Feb. 3; 9. Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie, on Feb. 10... 11. Jim Gilmore on Feb. 12. Jeb Bush on Feb. 20;  13. Ben Carson on March 4; 14. Marco Rubio on March 15;15. Ted Cruz on May 3; 16. John Kasich on May 4.