Pitching sordid products on TV for a buck

By DARLENE VANN / Headline Surfer
Blog: Musings

EDGEWATER, Fla. -- I was just sitting here watching television and the commercials caught my interest.

First one was for a new app that lets you have liquor delivered to your home. Having come from alcoholic family and married one and lost a 34-year-old daughter to it as well I was appalled.

With all the substance abuse which includes alcohol how can we allow this?

I know if they want it they will get it as evidenced by my stepfather who ordered his delivered via a cab back in the 1970s.

The very next advertisement was for tobacco-free flavored nicotine pouches complete with the notice written across the top that nicotine is addictive. Millions of people are trying to kick the cigarette habit to improve their health.

So now they can just have straight nicotine without the smoke in their lungs. The nicotine in their mouths can still give them mouth cancer and let them be addicted. What a boon to all mankind.

At that point I was not about to see what was coming next. Perhaps the current one for a razor for bikini line showing a young woman using it there.

Yes, she has a bikini on, but it is the idea of the whole thing. I am not a prude, but there are things that do not need to be blasted across children’s eyes and minds. There are enough beer commercials, period pads, erectile dysfunction pills and more that cause questions these young minds do not need explained yet.

They took cigarette commercials off TV, but some idiot decided if they advertise a pill or medicine of any kind they have to list all the possible side effects. Your fdoctor knows all this if or when he prescribes them. How many people have a clue what most of that jargon means?

It is not steering them away from any drug but the first thing they say always check with your Doctor before using this medication ignoring the fact that no one can get them without a prescription.

Companies managed to advertise without these things years ago before everything was just fine to put out there.

Violence is the same thing. It began with the civil rights movement as we watched police beat, spray, arrest and in general mistreat people -- black and white -- who were non violently protesting to try to make changes.

If you look back at those the violence came from police not protesters. Then came extra violent movies and television especially the nightly news. That began way back with Viet Nam as the family sat down and ate dinner with the news on television and the gruesome pictures of dead and wounded over there. We started to become immune to the blood & guts  suffering.

Then we started allowing violent video games. You can label them for certain ages, but parents who don’t care let children too young play them or watch movies above their age level. Our so called progress is backwards if you ask me. What will be next? I really don’t want to know.

Darlene Vann / Headline Surfer

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