President Trump awards medal of freedom to 4-star general

YouTube download / AP video / President Donald Trump awards the Presidential Medal of Freedom to retired four star Gen. Jack Keane as shown in this March 10, 2020 video.

Retired four-star Gen. Jack Keane received the nation's highest civilian honor during a White House ceremony Tuesday that was hosted by President Donald Trump, who called the Army veteran a “visionary," a “brilliant strategist” and a “fearless patriot, according to the Associated Press.”

“In 2006, Jack helped engineer the surge that stabilized the deteriorating situation in Iraq and allowed Iraqis to finally take charge of their own future,” Trump said. “In the years since, Jack has continued to offer his sage counsel to military and policy leaders and to visit our troops on the frontiers. And Jack, I have to say, has given me a lot of good advice too.” 

Keane has not always agreed with Trump, the AP reported, adding he thought withdrawing U.S. forces from Syria was a strategic mistake, siding with former Defense Secretary James Mattis, who resigned over Trump's decision.

Keane, however, agreed with the president's decision to withdraw from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal negotiated during the Obama administration.

-- Henry Frederick, Headline Surfer - Daytona Beach, Sanford, Orlando, FL

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