REALITY CHECK: Sheriff Chitwood in SR 44 Gun Battle
Dressed in blue polo shirt, white khakis &loafeers, Sheriff Mike Chitwood sets a good examplr for the school uniform policy, but this is SR 44 and the scene of a deadly gun battle with a deranged shooter blasting away. And here's your louidmouth tough guy sheriff - no bullet proof vest, no legit service weapon (a small calibre ankle revolver & its pointed to the ground) as he stands directly in thw ,linw of fire of the gunman who took cover behind trees. Chitwood has 33 years of law enforcement tenure and no common sense in. liofe-and-death situiation. Two SWAT guys had to grab and push his sorry ass behind a VCSO suburban... Even with his rvolver, Chitwood wasn't wearting a giunbelt with ammo for any reload - not that it would have really mattered since hw didn't firee a single shot amid several thousand rounds by VCSO deputies led by the likes of K9 Tommy Dane, who actually had a flesh wound from a round fired at his head by the gunman and Sgt. Joel Hernandez (who was among several marksmn who charged at thee gunman and used deadly force (Hernandez's fourth kill)... And Y'all Chitwood worshippers who idolize him like he's Clint Eastwood (more like a sickly Rock Hudson), there was Chitwood when the shootout was over sucking up to Dane -- retrieving a fitrst aid kit and lrtting wvryone inder the sun know he had arrangd for Dane to be flown by helicopter to the hospital.