DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- A quick thought in reaction to the breaking news: Here we go again, yet another school shooting, this time in Santa Fe, Texas.
The toll: Ten dead (9 students, 1 teacher) and at least 10 injured persons.
The toll: Ten dead (9 students, 1 teacher) and at least 10 injured persons.
School shootings: When will this madness ever end?
The media coverage is important and necessary. The response by politicians is all too predictable and nauseating, especially the grandstanding.
It shouldn't take yet another massacre like this for our policy makers in ccountless communities throughout the nation to recognize the need to retrofit public schools, provide more mental health screenings and mandate armed law enforcement in every school, regardless of cost.
The loss of life of our children, teachers and others targeted by deranged and evil doers is far more costly.