Headline Surfer photo illustration / Five Florida counties - Volusia, Orange, Miami-Dade, Nassau, and Pinellas - partnering up with Democracy Live to make voting easier in the 2022 elections at home and abroad.
By HENRY FREDERICK / Headline Surfer
DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. -- Two years ago Volusia County Supervisor of Elections Office became one of five pilot counties in the State of Florida to offer an accessible vote-by-mail ballot option.
The Supervisor of Elections here in Volusia County is again partnering with Democracy Live to offer a safe and secure method of voting by mail for voters with disabilities for the upcoming 2022 elections.
Volusia is among five counties in the Sunshine State to have taken part in this pilot program in time for the Aug. 23 Primary Elections and the larger Nov. 8 General Election. The other counties include nearby Orange, Miami-Dade, Nassau, and Pinellas.
"Thanks to the outreach campaign by our community partners, over 30 voters voted in the 2020 General Election utilizing method," Supervisor of Elections Lisa Lewis told Headline Surfer earlier today. "As we prepare for the 2022 election cycle, the office’s partnership with Democracy Live continues and grows. I'm proud to offer this program to the voters of Volusia County, adding, "My goal is to have safe and transparent elections, where all voters that are eligible to vote, have the opportunity to vote, in the method that best suits them."
"Thanks to the outreach campaign by our community partners, over 30 voters voted in the 2020 General Election utilizing method," Supervisor of Elections Lisa Lewis told Headline Surfer earlier today. "As we prepare for the 2022 election cycle, the office’s partnership with Democracy Live continues and grows. I'm proud to offer this program to the voters of Volusia County. My goal is to have safe and transparent elections, where all voters that are eligible to vote, have the opportunity to vote, in the method that best suits them."
With Democracy Live, voters can request to receive an Accessible Vote-by-Mail Ballot that they may mark from the comfort of their own home, Lewis explained, using accessibility tools they are familiar with.
Most importantly, they can do all of this independently.
Voters with disabilities, in the military, and overseas voters now have the ability to vote, utilizing Democracy Live as well, Lewis said, by going online to www.VolusiaElections.gov.
“We are excited to be able to provide a reliable and quicker tool that allows voters in the military and overseas to receive their ballot, mark it and return it to our office,” Lewis said.
Anyone with questions is welcome to contact the Volusia County Supervisor of Elections office by email at VoteByMail@volusia.org or by calling the office at 386-736-5930.